CHAT — Conference on Health & Active Transportation

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CHAT — Conference on Health & Active Transportation

On June 3, 2019, Posted by , in Conferences, Research, TRB, With No Comments

Submit abstracts by June 7, 2019, for this winter conference. Scheduled for December 11-12, 2019, in Washington DC, the conference themes include:

•  Institutionalizing connections between health and transportation at multiple levels
• Improvement and harmonization of health and transportation data and performance indicators
• Advances in scaling implementation of active transportation policies (e.g., Complete Streets, Health in All Policies)
• Identifying and addressing health disparities and health equity consequences of transportation policy and infrastructure
• Understanding the association between infrastructure improvements for active transportation and non-health factors (i.e., “additional benefits”) such as social cohesion, crime, safety, economic vitality, and climate
• Key aspects of transportation for critical health sector targets such as cancer prevention and increasing physical activity
• Approaches to enhance community facilitators (e.g., community and street design, transportation systems) and lessen barriers (e.g., safety, crime) to using active transportation
• Active Transportation across the lifespan (children to senior adults) and/or with a focus on health equity
• Impacts of shared mobility (bike shares, scooters) and other mobile technology such as wayfinding on active transportation
• Addressing active transportation for persons with disabilities 

Conference website:

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