CHAT — Conference on Health & Active Transportation
Submit abstracts by June 7, 2019, for this winter conference. Scheduled for December 11-12, 2019, in Washington DC, the conference themes include: • Institutionalizing connections between health and transportation at multiple levels• Improvement and harmonization of health and transportation data and performance indicators• Advances in scaling implementation of active transportation policies (e.g.,…
Presentations at the TRB Annual Meeting
Two papers from my dissertation–one quantitative and one qualitative–were accepted for presentation at the upcoming Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. The first is programmed in Lectern Session 599, ‘Economic Development Linkages, Location Affordability, and Socioeconomic Factors Influencing Transit’, sponsored by the Standing Committee on Transportation and Economic Development (ADD10). Details…
Defensio time . . .
On May 3, I successfully defended my dissertation at WU/Vienna University of Economics and Business. I am very pleased, but also feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to take an extended period of time to make an in-depth exploration of an important topic. The dissertation includes two quantitative papers…
More on Path Dependence . . .
In developing my paper on path dependence and planning (see my previous post), I compiled a short bibliography. This wasn’t really part of the assignment, but it’s a good exercise and can create something of value for your own work and for colleagues. For the curious . . Acemoglu, Daron…
Transportation Planning and Path Dependence
One of my graduate seminars here at WU was taught by Dr. Kurt Dopfer, a leading thinker and writer on evolutionary economics. This is a theory of economics that focuses on processes of decision making and market formation rather than outcomes of decisions structured by a strict (and unrealistic) set…
ADD20 Research Subcommittee Meeting @ 2017 TRB Annual Meeting
The Research Subcommittee for ADD20, the Committee for Social and Economic Factors, is scheduled to meet on Tuesday, January 10, 8:00 – 9:45 AM during the upcoming Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. The subcommittee will discuss current and future activities to: identify new research needs and gaps advance…
ICOET and the subdiscipline of transportation ecology
The call for abstracts for the 2017 International Conference on Ecology and Transportation (ICOET) recently opened. Seeing this announcement reminded me about this community of scholars and practitioners who work in the fascinating subfield of transportation ecology. These are the people who design and build wildlife overpasses, culverts for small…
Creating a Region-Level Weights Matrix–updated!
Update! At the recent ERSA Congress here in Vienna, I connected with Roger Bivand, the lead developer of the spdep package for R. He had a look at the solution I wrote up here and spotted an issue with it. There is an updated version of spdep, currently available for…
ERSA 2016 Pre-conference Workshop on Spatial Econometrics
Tuesday morning’s workshop was a whole semester’s worth of material and ideas stuffed into just 3 hours. But James LeSage and Roger Bivand shared their presentation materials, teaching datasets and code files, so I consider it all my homework for the coming weeks to work through. Good timing, really for…
‘Broad Brushes and Useful Approximations’
Next month, I’ll be presenting this paper at the ERSA Congress here in Vienna. Abstract Scholars use a variety of methods to measure the size, shape, configuration, and characteristics of cities in analyzing the causes and consequences of urban form. The diversity of measurement approaches is a reflection of the…