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Proceedings of the December 2019 Conference on Health and Active Transportation Released

On August 4, 2020, Posted by , in Conferences, TRB, With No Comments

Find the CHAT proceedings here: Appendix A includes short summaries of over 30 posters on research and practice presented during the conference. The proceedings also summarize presentations from the plenary sessions and discussions in break-out groups.

So, the TRB Annual Meeting is going virtual . . .

On July 29, 2020, Posted by , in Conferences, TRB, With No Comments

Each year in January thousands of people convene for the Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. But not in 2021. This year, the TRBAM will be all virtual. For the transportation community, the TRBAM is a touchstone. It provides the opportunity to connect with colleagues and learn about what…

CHAT — Conference on Health & Active Transportation

On June 3, 2019, Posted by , in Conferences, Research, TRB, With No Comments

Submit abstracts by June 7, 2019, for this winter conference. Scheduled for December 11-12, 2019, in Washington DC, the conference themes include: •  Institutionalizing connections between health and transportation at multiple levels• Improvement and harmonization of health and transportation data and performance indicators• Advances in scaling implementation of active transportation policies (e.g.,…

Rational Theme By SketchThemes