TRB Annual Meeting 2019
The program for the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting is published. I’ve been invited to participate as a panelist during the Careers in Motion Networking Fair, scheduled for 10.00 am to 2.00 pm on Sunday, January 13. From the TRB program:
During this session, panelists will share their personal success stories with making a mid-career shift in transportation, including some helpful information for audience members to do the same.
Other panelists for this session are Dimitre Guenov, Transportation Planner, VHB, who transitioned from a non-transportation field, and Camille Crichton-Sumners, who was at NJDOT and now is with NCHRP/TRB.
Dimitre, Camille, and I are scheduled for 11.45 to 12.25.
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