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Refereed Publications

Ann M Hartell, 2018. Is Performance Measurement Improving Planning Practice? The Case of Location Affordability in Long-Range Transportation Plans. Transportation Research Record.

Ann M Hartell, 2018.  Location Affordability and Regional Economic Resilience: Evidence From the U.S. Foreclosure Crisis.Transportation Research Record.

Ann M Hartell. 2016. Evaluating the Concept of Location Affordability: Recent Data on the Relationship Between Transportation, Housing, and Urban Form. Housing Policy Debate.

Theodore J Mansfield and Ann M Hartell. 2012. Institutionalizing Sustainability at the Level of State Departments of Transportation. Quantitative Assessment of Transportation Sustainability Plan Quality. Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2771, pp 9-18.

Ann M Hartell. 2008. Is Inadequate Transportation a Barrier to Community Involvement? Evidence from the Social Capital Benchmark Survey. Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2067, pp 11-16.

Ann M Hartell. 2007. Methodological Challenges for Environmental Justice Assessments for Transportation Projects. Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2011, pp 21-29.

Reviewer for:

Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting


Housing Policy Debate


Other Work & Past Projects

Broad Brushes and Useful Approximations: Measuring Urban Form in Location Affordability Research
Presentation paper at the European Regional Science Association Congress, August, 2016. 
CLICK to read (opens in new tab).

Contextualizing Location Affordability: Urban Sprawl and Foreclosure
Discussion paper SRE-DISC.2015/06
Paper presented at the North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, November, 2015.

Sprawl and Commuting: Exploring New Measures of United States Metro Regions 
Discussion paper SRE-DISC.2015/07
Presented at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting,  January 2015.

CLICK to view poster version (opens in new tab).

Path dependence in economic theory and research
Discussion Paper SRE-DISC.2013/03

Investigating Locational Affordability:  Housing costs, vehicle costs, and foreclosures
Paper presented at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 2014.
CLICK to view slide presentation (opens in new window).

Defining Community Context in Transportation Project Planning and Development Process 
NCHRP 25-25, Task 69, for the AASHTO Standing Committee on Environment.
Federally funded project to provide transportation industry practitioners with a catalog of tools for defining community characteristics to support planning and project development. 2011. Key researcher.

Click here to visit the project website.

Improved Methods for Assessing Social, Cultural, and Economic Effects of Transportation Projects
NCHRP 8-36, Task 66 for the AASHTO Standing Committee on Planning.
Federally funded project to provide a cross-disciplinary synthesis of existing and new approaches social impact assessment. Addresses methodological issues and includes a case study example that looks at traditional demographic data in new ways, adopts data from non-transportation sources, and tests the feasibility of innovative social measures. 2008. Key researcher; main author of final report.

Click here  for the final report.

Context Sensitive Solutions National Dialog 1 & 2
National project series sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration to compile best practices in transportation planning, policy, programs and project design and development. From 2008-2010, a series of regional  workshops were organized featuring selected examples. The successful first series was renewed for 2012-2014.  Key project staff.

Click here to visit the project website.

North Carolina Department of Transportation REAL ID Grant Program
This effort provided internal agency facilitation and documentation services for the state Division of Motor Vehicles to support their participation in a federal grants program. Over $4M in grants were successfully secured for projects to improve driver license/identification card issuance processes. Substantive contributions included the development and delivery of the agency’s first ever on-line training program and development of a complete employee manual for the revised driver license issuance procedures. 2009-2012. Principal Investigator.

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